Crooked Fence Gifts

Crooked Fence Gifts focuses on new trends in Jewelry, Home decor, Wedding, One of A kind Vintage & Holiday decor. We strive to create gifts from our own designs and to use Vintage and USA Items as often as possible.

Shop local and support your community of businesses big and small. Shopping in your own neighborhood is the most direct way you can support the area where you live.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Local & Handmade

As we approach 2013 my mind is on new ventures and new ways to run my business.
During the Holiday Season I ran into several problems locating USA products. Some stores carry some USA, most carry very little if any. As some of you know by some of my past posts, I am a Local and Handmade Supporter. We live in a free country, and I would like to buy only things created and made by my fellow country men/women.
My husband wanted to buy me a specific item and went to two towns basically looking for it. He even went to a few antique stores thinking maybe he could find a vintage one. Even the antique store had ones that were imported.
I hope that 2013 shows us how to support our country and businesses and neighbors and friends in many ways.
I will be adding a "Local Supply" list to my blog and Facebook and Website once it is finished, that way at least if people want to shop local, they can.

I just closed my retail location the end of November. It just wasn't workable. I like to spend the majority of my time creating new items or salvaging an old one. Productivity is high on my list...
So, I closed the store and am still doing my website, etsy, facebook, ebay and I am consigning to some local/handmade locations. The next step will be wholesale. This is a good step for me.
This also leaves time for my family and my nineteen other hobbies... something like that.

Hopefully the Holidays inspired you like they inspired me to MAKE EVERYTHING ! Part of my plans for 2013 will be to take my designs to the next level by making them more unique and edgy while still focusing on the Vintage feel.
Happy New Year and don't forget to Shop Local :)